AFL starfsgreinafélag

Farsóttin - corona virus - koronawirus


AFL Starfsgreinafélag vill vekja athygli félagsmanna á að fjölda erinda við félagið er hægt að sinna í gegnum síma og með tölvupósti.  Sími félagsins er 4700 300 og hægt er að senda póst á This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. og bregst starfsfólk félagsins hratt við erindum. Með því að nota síma og tölvupóst þegar unnt er  - minnkum við líkur á corona vírusinn svokallaði breiðist hraðar út en efni standa til.

AFL Starfsgreinafélag would like to advise our members to use telephone or email in communications with the union - instead of coming to our offices.  Our telphone is 4700 300 and our email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  By communicating with phone and email instead of direct contact,  we might delay the spreading of the corona virus.

AFL Starfsgreinafélag chciałby doradzić naszym członkom, aby w komunikacji ze związkiem używali telefonu lub poczty elektronicznej – w miejsce stawiania się w biurach. Nasz telefon to 4700 300, a nasz e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Komunikując się telefonicznie i pocztą e-mail zamiast bezpośredniego kontaktu, możemy opóźnić rozprzestrzenianie się wirusa korony.