AFL starfsgreinafélag
  • Orlof
  • Reglugerð
  • Covid-19
  • Umsóknaferli ekki tilbúið - Applications unavailable -ie jest możliwe aby złożyć podanie o zasiłek, dla tych którym zmniejszony jest etat zatrudnienia.

Umsóknaferli ekki tilbúið - Applications unavailable -ie jest możliwe aby złożyć podanie o zasiłek, dla tych którym zmniejszony jest etat zatrudnienia.

Athugið að það er ekki hægt að sækja strax um greiðslu atvinnuleysisbóta samhliða minnkuðu starfshlutfalli vegna tímabundins samdráttar í starfsemi vinnuveitenda þar sem umsóknarformið er ekki tilbúið.
Vinnumálastofnun leggur nú kapp á að vinna að stafrænni útfærslu fyrir þessa umsókn og er ekki hægt að sækja um minnkað starfshlutfall á vef Vinnumálastofnunar meðan á þeirri vinnu stendur. Við munum senda út tilkynningu þegar umsóknargrunnurinn er tilbúinn og einstaklingar sem fara í minnkað starfshlutfall geta sótt um.
Athugið að allar umsóknir munu gilda afturvirkt frá 15. mars.Vinnumálastofnun biður fólk um að sýna biðlund vegna mikils álags og hvetur alla til að fylgjast með tilkynningum á heimasíðu stofnunarinnar.

Applications due to reduced employment ratio currently unavailable
Please be informed that it currently not possible to apply for unemployment benefit payments alongside reduced employment ratio due to temporary company recessions as the application format production is not yet completed.
The Directorate of Labour is currently working on a digital implementation for the applications, and it is not possible to apply for reduced employment ratio via The Directorate of Labour’s website while this work is being completed.
A notification will be sent out when the application database is ready and individuals who have had their employment ratio reduced are able to apply. Please note that all applications will be valid from the date of which the reduced employment was arranged, but not earlier than from the 15th of March. The Directorate of Labour requests that patience be shown due to increased workloads and encourages everyone to monitor announcements on the directorate’s website.


Nie ma jeszcze możliwości składania wniosków  o zasiłek przy zmniejszonym etacie zatrudnienia.

Zwracamy uwagę na to że na chwilę obecną cyfrowa aplikacja nie jest jeszcze gotowa i nadal trwają prace nad jej udostepnieniem przez urząd pracy.

Poinformujemy Państwa  gdy formularz cyfrowy będzie gotowy i będzie można składać wnioski.

Proszę pamiętać, że ustawa wejdzie w życie z mocą wsteczną od 15 marca.

Urząd Pracy apeluje o cierpliwość z powodu dużego obciążenia, zachęcamy do śledzenia zmian informacyjnych na stronie interetowej Urzędu Pracy.